Bolger – Vision Beyond Print

Bolger Inc needed some head shots and a nice group shot for their website redesign. We were able to find a great location inside the company’s atrium for the individual head shots and the front of the building was perfect for the group shot!

Flipp @ Know Name Records – RSD 2017

Know Name Records recently celebrated 40 years in business, and that celebration happened to fall just a few days before the 10th annual Record Store Day. A timely coincidence to say the least. I spoke with Danny Beck who has been a staple at the store since 1993, and in his words; “There has been […]


I stopped by the Triple Rock Social Club in Minneapolis on a rainy, late November weeknight to check out local hip hop group S.O.S. (Speed Of Sound) as they headlined Uncovered MPLS #25 Showcase. Despite the soggy weather there was an enthusiastic crowd in the house and S.O.S. didn’t waste any time getting the audience to […]


As a photographer/writer for the Minneapolis music blog The Show Last Night, this past week I had the opportunity to shoot one of my all time favorite bands, NOFX! Here are a few of my photos from that night, along with an excerpt from my first official post on The Show Last Night. (I only dropped one f-bomb, my mother would […]

Aging But Dangerous

Local author Suzanne Bates was in the studio recently and she brought along her latest book, which happens to include lots of photos that we created just for it! Update: Suzanne was interviewed for the February 2016 issue of Minnesota Good Age magazine!

2015 MMRF Twin Cities 5K Walk/Run

This fall I was invited back, for the 2nd year in a row, to photograph the MMRF 5k! What a great event for a great cause! Check out the photos here. (Gallery is a mixture of photos from Marty Lang and Bob Cerney.) Learn more about multiple myeloma and the MMRF.

<3 Strings

I created this photo as an entry for the Ernie Ball creative photography contest 2012, and I won. Here’s a behind the scenes look at what went into the making of it. I used a red gel filter with the protective paper still on it as the backdrop, and backlit the sculpture through it. Setup […]